Soil Mix Options
We have come up with a range of self watering container mix options that we know will get your Glowpear Urban Garden going.
Option 1 - No Mess, No Fuss
2 x 25 L bags of premium organic potting mix (ensure it contains fertilizer, and bark fines)
1 x 5 L Bag of Perlite
Mix together and fill the planter, plant soil with seeds or seedlings, then top with pea straw to lock in moisture.
Periodic watering with worm tea or organic liquid fertilizer will help to promote flowering and fruiting.
Option 2 - For The Hardcore Enthusiast
Approximately 30 L of organic matter such as composted chicken manure, dried worm castings, and composted garden waste
Approximately 20 L of bark fines (pine bark mulch)
1 x 5 L Bag of Perlite
Consider adding seaweed extract, blood & bone, and/ or organic NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphate & Potassium).
Mix together and fill the planter, plant soil with seeds or seedlings, then top with pea straw to lock in moisture.
Periodic watering with worm tea or organic liquid fertilizer will help to promote flowering and fruiting.
Option 3 - Non-soil self watering mixes from Glowpear YearRound
- Get your YearRound Mini Sprouter Pack, consisting coir, seeds and liquid nutrient, to start or refresh your Mini Bench.
- Get your YearRound Mini Sprouter Pack, consisting coir, seeds and liquid nutrient, to start or refresh your Mini Rail.
- Get your YearRound Mini Sprouter Pack, consisting coir, seeds and liquid nutrient, to start or refresh your Mini Wall.