Janella Purcell - Urban Retreats, Garden Feats

Derek Vincent - TikToking the green revolution
Derek Vincent is an urban homesteader, harvesting a diverse selection of nano crops on a rooftop and two balconies in the heart of Montreal’s Plateau Mont-Royal neighbourhood. His mission is to show city dwellers around the world that they can joyfully grow and harvest their own food in even the tightest urban spaces. We sat down with Derek to find out about his gardening projects.

Glowpear's Dr Lockrey gives us some seasonal gardening tips!

Twinkl: Preparing Future Generations For Spreading The Urban Jungle

Charles Skender - Growing Ample
Industrial designer Charles Skender grew up with a strong family dynamic and large backyards full of all kinds of produce - citrus, nuts, herbs, greens, veggies, you name it. Here started Charles' journey to grow food, and his new brand, AMPLE. We caught up recently with Charles to talk about AMPLE.

Planting the Seed
Select your plants to fill your Glowpear Urban Garden from a wide range of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers.
Despite its convenient size, the Glowpear Urban Garden features a deceptively large growing volume. So think big when planning your urban garden, inside or out, the possibilities are endless.

The Humble Houseplant: Not Just a Pretty Face
Houseplants can certainly add a splash of colour and style to your home – but there are many more reasons to make them part of your living environment. There’s now some pretty serious science to support the fact that indoor plants are good for your health and wellbeing, whether it’s by boosting your concentration, or helping you sleep. Seven good reasons to make your home a greener place. Breathe easy. Everyone knows plants absorb carbon dioxide, but did you know they can actually remove up to 87% of air toxins in just 24 hours? Not just a wild claim either...

Companion Planting: Pairing Your Plants Like a Pro
We all know that some ingredients go well together in a recipe (tomato and basil salad, anyone?) but did you know that the same goes in the gardening bed? Companion planting is the art of growing complementary plants in close proximity, and it’s something that all of us can try at home.